Top-Rated Fat Grafting and & Transfer in North Shore

Conveniently located to serve Boston, Cambridge, Peabody, and Manchester

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At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery North Shore, and throughout the United States, soft tissue fillers are one of the hottest and fastest growing minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Fat grafting uses liposuction to remove fat from an unwanted area, and then redistributes that fat to an area you would like to enhance. Fat grafting uses your naturally produced “filler”, which is easily harvested, for facial rejuvenation, buttock augmentation, breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, and hand rejuvenation.

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Dr. Hadaegh has extensive experience with fat grafting in all areas of the body. After performing this procedure for more than 15 years, his experienced hands allow you to achieve optimal cosmetic results.

Combination Procedures

Some patients choose to have other procedures in combination with their fat grafting. Common procedures to combine with fat grafting include breast lift, breast augmentation, and tummy tuck. Combination procedures, when performed, take full advantage of the recovery period and provide a more comprehensive makeover. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery North Shore, your safety and satisfaction are always our focus.

Ideal Candidates

A fat graft is appropriate for patients who want to improve the appearance of one or more areas of their body. Healthy patients with realistic goals are ideal candidates for the fat graft procedure. Candidates must have sufficient excess body fat to use for the procedure.

Dr. Hadaegh will determine if you are a good candidate during your consultation. This will be based on your goals, overall health, medical history, and a thorough physical examination.

Your Fat Graft Consultation

During the consultation, be ready to discuss your appearance goals and complete medical history. You may need to take a few lab tests to assess your eligibility for the procedure. Inform us of your previous and current prescriptions, as well as allergies that may affect the procedure. This will help Dr. Hadaegh recommend the best option to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Once your eligibility for a fat graft is confirmed, Dr. Hadaegh will discuss the techniques to be performed and your potential results. Everything will be considered in planning and preparing for your fat graft procedure, including patient preferences, goals, comfort, overall health, and lifestyle. Special instructions for preparation and aftercare will be provided to achieve the best outcome.

How to Prepare for a Fat Graft Procedure

The success of a fat graft procedure is highly dependent on a patient’s overall health. Please quit smoking for four to six weeks before the procedure. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 48 hours before the surgery. This will help to prevent complications during and after the procedure.

Request for time off work as directed by Dr. Hadaegh. This will allow enough time for you to focus on your initial recovery period. Make sure to arrange enough pillows to help you sleep in the correct position during the recovery period. Schedule all strenuous activities several weeks after the fat graft procedure to prevent complications.

The Fat Graft Procedure

The patient will be prepared for the procedure by administering anesthesia into the area where the body fat will be harvested and the grafting area. The type of anesthesia administered will be determined when customizing the treatment plan. This will be based on factors like the volume of fat to be removed.

Gentle liposuction will be used to remove fat from the donor area. The extracted fat will be processed to isolate the fat cells to be used for grafting, discarding the rest. This will be done through decanting and centrifugation.

Next, the purified fat will be injected into the target body area in small droplets. This is a very precise process, since it determines the health of the graft. It will be injected evenly to ensure aesthetically pleasing results.

Dr. Hadaegh

Fat Graft FAQ

Is Dr. Hadaegh a board-certified physician?

Yes. Dr. Hadaegh is a board certified plastic surgeon. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as well as the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Where will my surgery take place?

Fat grafting is performed at either Beverly Hospital or North Shore Medical Center, Salem, under general anesthesia. The procedure, itself, takes approximately 1-2 hours depending on your specific treatment plan.

What is recovery like after fat grafting surgery?

You will be sore with some swelling after surgery. Discomfort should begin subsiding after a few days, and swelling will gradually diminish over 4-6 weeks. Most patients return to work, driving, and normal basic daily activities within 1-2 weeks after surgery. Exercise and heavy lifting are restricted for about 4-6 weeks after fat grafting.

Will my consultation be with the surgeon?

Yes. All surgical consultations take place with Dr. Anoush Hadaegh. Dr. Hadaegh is a board certified plastic surgeon and will be able to answer all of your questions. Dr. Hadaegh will also perform your surgical procedure.

Am I required to have a consultation before booking surgery?

Yes. A consultation is required and essential to you getting all of the pertinent information you need. The consultation is a perfect format for you to get answers to all of your questions so that you can make informed choices. Your appointment will include a physical exam so that Dr. Hadaegh can best customize your treatment plan for you.

You must inform Dr. Hadaegh if you are currently taking any medications or supplements, since certain medications and supplements can result in complications. It will also be best to let Dr. Hadaegh know about any past cosmetic procedures, since can will help to ensure a safe procedure.

Is there a fee for my consultation?

Yes. There is a $150 consultation fee that is charged to you at the time you book your appointment. You will have a full hour with Dr. Hadaegh to discuss everything related to your procedure. Should you decide to move forward with fat grafting, the consultation fee will be applied as a credit to your total procedure balance.

Will insurance cover my fat graft procedure?

Typically, not unless the fat grafting is part of a breast reconstruction procedure after cancer treatment. Fat graft surgery is, otherwise, generally considered a cosmetic procedure and therefore not medically necessary. It’s best to check with your specific insurance company if you have additional questions about your coverage.

Can I finance my fat graft surgery?

Yes! Our patients often use Care Credit to finance their procedures. We also accept all major credit cards.

Contact Us to Learn More

Interested in getting a fat graft in Boston? Contact Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and schedule a consultation. Dr. Hadaegh will be available to help you achieve your appearance goals.

Real Patient Testimonials

  • “Dr. Hadaegh, You made my Tummy tuck and breast reduction as uncomplicated and stress free as possible. Your demeanor and bedside manner are wonderful and professional."

  • "Dr. Hadaegh & Staff – You took a tearful woman & made her look forward to laughing with you each week – Many Thanks"

  • "Five star, from Dr. Hadaegh, to his office staff and operating room staff….fantastic! I look better now then I did 10 years ago!"

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