Male Tummy Tuck

Conveniently located to serve Boston, Cambridge, Peabody, and Manchester

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Everyone wants to have a well-toned and flat abdomen- this issue affects men and women alike. Some may not be able to achieve this with routine diet and exercise. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck ma is a cosmetic procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, as well as tighten the abdominal muscles. This gives a smoother, contoured abdominal profile. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery North Shore, we understand that each patient is unique, that’s why Dr. Hadaegh customizes each procedure to best achieve your cosmetic goal.

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Some men may also choose to have other procedures in combination with a tummy tuck such as liposuction ma. Combination procedures can be performed safely, taking a full advantage of the recovery period.

Why Undergo a Male Tummy Tuck?

When it comes to obtaining distinct abdominal contours, a male tummy tuck procedure is ideal. It is designed to address the special aesthetic issues that men encounter. Even strict diet and exercise programs fail to produce the sculpted, toned abdomen that many men crave.

Dr. Hadaegh’s male tummy tuck surgery removes extra skin, removes fat, and tightens the abdominal muscles for a flatter, more sculpted stomach.

The Procedure

During a male tummy tuck operation, Dr. Hadaegh will make an incision from hipbone to hipbone while the patient is under general anesthesia. Another incision may also be made around the belly button.

Extra fatty tissues and skin can then be removed. After being rejoined and tightened, the abdominal muscles are sutured into place. The development of enhanced abdominal definition is aided by this muscle tightening.

The surgery is completed once the incisions are closed. A combination of sutures and adhesive bandages are used to close the incisions.

The Recovery

You should expect tightness in the abdominal area, discomfort, and swelling in the first few days after male tummy tuck surgery. These are all common post-operative symptoms that go away with time.

Dr. Hadaegh will advise you to take painkillers as prescribed and to wear a compression garment to minimize swelling after a male tummy tuck procedure. Some physical exercise can be gradually resumed in the coming weeks to improve blood flow and accelerate the recovery process.

You will be able to do more rigorous tasks as time goes on, though heavy lifting and particularly exhausting activities should be avoided for the first 6 weeks after male tummy tuck surgery. The incisions are made on the lower belly, where they can be readily hidden by a swimsuit or undergarments. Post-surgical marks typically lessen in appearance over time.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are considering a male tummy tuck in Boston to improve the appearance of your belly, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anoush Hadaegh, a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in male abdominal cosmetic operations. He has a fantastic team behind him and can ensure your safety and satisfaction.

Dr. Hadaegh is a board certified plastic surgeon with more than 10 years experience in body contouring.

“I look better now then I did 10 years ago!”

5 5 Star Rating
Written onSeptember 8, 2019

Five star, from Dr. Hadaegh, to his office staff and operating room staff….fantastic! I look better now then I did 10 years ago!

by Anonymous

Dr. Hadaegh

Real Patient Testimonials

  • “Dr. Hadaegh, You made my Tummy tuck and breast reduction as uncomplicated and stress free as possible. Your demeanor and bedside manner are wonderful and professional."

  • "Dr. Hadaegh & Staff – You took a tearful woman & made her look forward to laughing with you each week – Many Thanks"

  • "Five star, from Dr. Hadaegh, to his office staff and operating room staff….fantastic! I look better now then I did 10 years ago!"

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