Just hearing someone mention a chemical peel sounds scary to a lot of people. I get it. You’ve heard a horror story on the internet of a crazy peel gone wrong, or maybe you just think, “I don’t have time for down time”, or “why would anyone do that to themselves?”...
Products or treatments, which is more important is a common question. Let’s talk about the product side first. What you use day in and day out on your face matters. The quality and balance of ingredients, consistency of routine, and how you generally care for and...
The night air is crisp, humidity is fading, and pumpkins are appearing on doorsteps.…. it’s officially fall! I know, I know, don’t cry. Summer will be back in just 9 short months and we will be back to shorts and flip flops! In the meantime, this is a great time of...
When it comes to makeup most of us fall into the same habit…….we use the same colors over and over. I get it, I do it too sometimes. Routine isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it comes to makeup! Every once in a while, though, doesn’t it feel SO good to freshen things...